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Drapeau anglais Version anglaise The 2012 Edition

Here is the program of the 2012 Edition. We had a very nice time with a lot of fascinating mathematics!

Monday, July 30th, 2012
9h30-12h Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (UCL). Escher and the laughing cow.
14h-15h Cédric De Groote (ULB): Introduction to knot theory.
15h15-16h15 Rémy Dendievel (ULB): Introduction to optimal stopping.
16h30-17h30 Christel Ruwel (ULg): k-means method and its robust versions.
Tuesday, July 31th, 2012
9h30-12h Laurent Moonens (UCL): Around (and far from) the notion of curve.
14h-16h Gilles Geeraerts (ULB): Undecidability and the theory of computation: when maths can prove that computers are dumb machines.
16h30-17:30 Mitia Duerinckx (ULB): An ergodic walk in the land of continued fractions.
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
10h-12h Nicholas H. Bingham (Imperial Collega London): Martingales and financial applications.
12h Vlad Ardelean and Fabian Tinkl (FAU Nürnberg): Modelling financial data with stochastic processes.
12h Martin Schlichenmaier ( Symmetries and infinite dimensional Lie algebras.
Thursday, August 2nd, 2012
9h30-12h Thomas Brihaye (UMons): Topology, probability, games and verification systems.
14h-15h: Timothée Marquis (UCL): Compact groups: connected or divisible.
15h15-16h15 Daniel Koch (UCL): Regularization techniquesin linear models.
16h30-17h30 Ann Kiefer (VUB): Mr Le Blanc's "Fermat's theorem".
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
9h30-12h Frédéric Bourgeois (ULB): Walk amidst triangles and surfaces with Gauss and Bonnet.
14h-15h  Claude Duhr (Durham): Group theory meets particle physics.
15h30-17h: Emilie Charlier (ULB): Automatons and numeration systems.